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Destiny 2's Season of the Plunder released its fifth set of Seasonal Challenges this week, giving players new time-limited challenges to complete for XP and Bright Dust. This week's challenges are somewhat tedious to complete, requiring you to kill dozens of Champions or hundreds of combatants in certain PvE content.

Related: Destiny 2 Season Of The Plunder: All Week 4 Seasonal Challenges

While the challenges are time-consuming, most of this week's challenges grant 150 Bright Dust and 50,000 XP when completed—equivalent to half a Season Pass rank. This guide will cover all seven of this week's challenges, their rewards, and how best to complete them. Use the table of contents above to jump to any particular challenge that interests you.

Antiquarian V

Antiquarian V: Return the fifth relic to the H.E.L.M. Also, defeat powerful Fallen throughout the system. Defeating more powerful combatants will award bonus progress.


  • Repute
  • 25,000 XP

This week's story objective requires you to defeat 50 Champions. Master Ketchcrash Champions grant 13 points instead of just one. Champions from any activity count, not just Plunder content. If you can't play Master Ketchcrash, we recommend farming Legend Lost Sectors or Nightfalls.

Another week means another relic needs to be found. Visit the H.E.L.M. to acquire the next step in the seasonal quest. Once you've obtained the relic, you'll need to defeat 150 Fallen enemies, with orange and yellow bars counting as multiple kills.

Your best bet is to farm the Devils' Lair strike on the Cosmodrome. One run spawns about 200+ Fallen, so you should be able to finish this challenge in one or two runs.

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Expert Expedition II

Expert Expedition II: In Expedition, gather treasure into the treasure haul and defeat Champions.


  • 12,500 XP

This challenge is the same as Expert Expedition I with a higher requirement. You'll need to deposit 25 engrams into the Expedition haul, something that should be quite easy if you've played at all this season. The second requirement is that you'll need to defeat five Champions. Overall, this should take two to three runs to complete.

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Seeker's Cache II

Seeker's Cache II: Summon crewmates in Expedition and Ketchcrash. Also, decipher the Medium Treasure Beacon, available from the Star Chart in the H.E.L.M.


  • Repute
  • 25,000 XP

In Expedition and Ketchcrash, most encounters have a Fallen flag you can interact with that'll summon your crewmates. You'll need to summon 20 crewmates in total to finish this challenge. Interact with these flags whenever possible to ensure you're making progress.

You'll also need to complete the Medium Treasure Beacon from the Star Chart, unlocked at rank 10. The highlighted words in the beacon's description tell you what needs to be done.

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Spyglass: Defeat targets with Scout Rifles and Shatter damage. Defeating combatants in Ketchcrash and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.


  • 25,000 XP

Spyglass requires you to defeat 200 enemies with Scout Rifles and 100 enemies with Stasis shatters. Ketchcrash combatants and Guardians grant more progress, but we recommend farming Ketchcrash for most. Consider using a Stasis Scout Rifle with Headstone to double up on progress. Glacier Grenades with Whisper of Fissures equipped will make the shatter requirement quite easy to finish.

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Related: Destiny 2: The Best Rolls For The New Season Of Plunder Weapons

Resist And Revolt

Resist and Revolt: Acquire Cry Mutiny.


  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

This challenge is retroactive.

Cry Mutiny is this season's ritual weapon, obtained by reaching rank 16 with any ritual vendor—Zavala, Shaxx, or the Drifter. If you don't own it yet, we recommend farming the Vanguard Ops playlist or waiting for a double reputation week. Leveling tips for each vendor may be found below:

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Superconductor: Defeat Guardians in Crucible. Bonus progress is granted for opponents defeated with the help of Arc or Stasis effects.


  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

You'll need to defeat 200 Guardians to finish this challenge. Defeating enemies afflicted with an Arc or Stasis effect—including Jolt and Stasis shatters—will count as multiple kills. For most players, we recommend you ignore the bonus progress and play PvP as normal. It'll take quite some time to complete, but you have all season to get this done; focus on other challenges first.

If you're in a rush to get this finished, equip a Special weapon with Chill Clip or a Primary with Voltshot. Both perks are easy to trigger and inflict an Arc/Stasis debuff, granting bonus progress.

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Oh Captain

Oh Captain: Defeat Cabal and Fallen bosses in strikes of Vanguard playlists.


  • 50,000 XP
  • 150 Bright Dust

Oh Captain requires you to defeat five Cabal bosses and five Fallen bosses in Vanguard playlists. That includes Vanguard Ops and Nightfalls. To get this done quickly, here are the strikes we recommend farming:

  • Proving Grounds: Fairly short Strike with a Cabal final boss.
  • The Devils' Lair: An action-packed strike with a Fallen final boss.
  • The Arms Dealer: A short strike with a Cabal final boss.
  • Any Vanguard Ops Battleground: The final boss is always a Cabal.

You don't have many options for Fallen bosses, so we recommend you keep farming Devils' Lair or Fallen SABER. We suggest you focus on other challenges first to prevent burnout from running ten strikes back-to-back.

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Next: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Arc 3.0