Final Fantasy 14 has a large range of classes and jobs to choose from, whether you're gearing up for battles or settling down for an hour of fishing. Class changing is facilitated by a system called the Armory System and depends entirely on the currently equipped weapon or tool.

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Each class is linked to a certain type of weapon or tool, and changing which one you have equipped will change your class immediately. This will unequip any incompatible armor or accessories, so be careful where you do this. Note that simply owning a certain weapon or tool is not enough to be able to change classes, you must also complete the side quest that unlocks the class.

Each class that you are able to start the game as has an upgraded version of itself called a job. For example, Conjurers can become White Mages. In order to change into these jobs, you must not only equip the right weapon but the Soul Crystal that corresponds with that job. Any jobs introduced in an expansion pack do not have class versions and will put on their Soul Crystals automatically when you equip their weapons.

Disciples of War and Magic

Class Job Role Weapon Released
Gladiator Paladin Tank Swords Base Game
Marauder Warrior Tank Greataxes Base Game
- Dark Knight Tank Greatswords Heavensward
- Gunbreaker Tank Gunblades Shadowbringers
Pugilist Monk Physical DPS Fists & Claws Base Game
Lancer Dragoon Physical DPS Polearms Base Game
Rogue Ninja Physical DPS Daggers Base Game
- Samurai Physical DPS Katanas Stormblood
Archer Bard Ranged DPS Bows Base Game
- Machinist Ranged DPS Guns Heavensward
- Dancer Ranged DPS Chakrams Shadowbringers
Thaumaturge Black Mage Magical DPS Scepters & Staves Base Game
Arcanist Summoner Magical DPS Books Base Game
- Red Mage Magical DPS Rapiers Stormblood
- Blue Mage Magical DPS Canes Base Game
Conjurer White Mage Healer Wands & Two-Handed Canes Base Game
- Scholar Healer Scholar Books Base Game
- Astrologian Healer Star Globes Heavensward

Above is a list of all the weapon types that you can use to change your class. It's important to note that while the Scholar is a healer job, it is derived from the Arcanist just like the Summoner. Both jobs require a book to be equipped in order to change classes, but there are two separate types of books to delineate them.

Disciples of the Hand

Crafter Tool Creates
Alchemist Alembics Potions and elixirs, book weapons for Scholars and Summoners
Armorer Raising & Doming Hammers Heavy armor for physical jobs, metal shields, some tools
Blacksmith Cross-pein Hammers Most metal weapons, some tools
Carpenter Saws Most wooden weapons, wooden shields, furniture
Culinarian Skillets & Frypans Ingredients and meals
Goldsmith Chaser Hammers Accessories, staves for Black Mages, needles for Weavers
Leatherworker Round Knives Leather armor, clothing, some fist weapons, some accessories, furniture
Weaver Needles Cloth armor, clothing

As with the combat classes and jobs, the Disciples of the Hand must equip a tool in order to craft items. This works in exactly the same fashion and involves putting a tool into the hand slot.

Disciples of the Land

Miner holding a Dragonsung Pick in Final Fantasy 14
Gatherer Tool
Botanist Hatchets
Miner Pickaxes
Fisher Fishing Rods

Changing into these classes also requires equipping a tool. Remember, you must complete the class unlock quest for each individual class before you can use them.

NEXT: Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide To Resistance Weapons