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Pharos Sirius is a level 50 optional dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. Originally added in patch 2.1, Pharos Sirius will have you exploring the abandoned lighthouse of Limsa Lominsa. In the Calamity, Bahamut's destruction corrupted the aether-powered lighthouse, forcing the Lominsans to abandon the beacon.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: Amdapor Keep Dungeon Guide

Now, rumor has it that a Siren has taken up residence at the peak of the lighthouse, with an army of corrupted pirates at her disposal. It's up to you and your fellow adventurers to ensure the Siren has sung her last. Let's take a look at each boss you'll face in Pharos Sirius, their attacks and mechanics, and how to beat them.

How To Unlock Pharos Sirius

Pharos Sirius is unlocked through the following side quest.

  • Accept the quest 'Sirius Business'
    • NPC Location: Diamanda - Western La Noscea (X:26.5, Y:26.7)

This quest will appear after reaching level 50 and completing the Main Scenario Quest 'The Ultimate Weapon'.

Dungeon Walkthrough

In the rooms following the first boss, corrupted crystals will drop from the ceiling and land on the path. Then, these crystals will periodically explode with Aether Detonation, dealing damage in an area around the crystal. Quickly move through these areas and pull any enemies away to reduce the damage you take from Aether Detonation.

After the second boss, you will enter a large staircase with an Aether Valve at the top and bottom of the staircase. These will periodically unleash clouds of corrupted aether, which will explode if it comes into contact with a player. Interact with the Aether Valve to close it and stop the corrupted aether from appearing. Additionally, you'll need to close both valves for the third boss to appear.

Symond The Unsinkable

The first boss of Pharos Sirius is Symond the Unsinkable. Several of this boss's attacks will apply the Corrupted Crystal debuff. This debuff can stack up to three times, at which point it will cause an explosion around you, dealing high damage.

  • Corrupting Shot: Symond will deal damage in a line AoE towards his target, dealing damage and inflicting Corrupted Crystal. Move out of the AoE indicator to avoid this attack and debuff.
  • Zombie War Hounds: Throughout the fight, Symond will summon Zombie War Hounds that periodically cast Corrupting Spit, dealing damage in a small circle AoE and inflicting a stack of Corrupted Crystal and Vulnerability Up, increasing damage taken. Focus on killing the Hounds while dodging their Corrupting Spit attack.
  • Crystalline Shower: This attack is a large circular AoE that deals damage and creates a corrupted puddle. Standing in the puddle will periodically inflict Corrupted Crystal, so move out of it as quickly as possible.
  • Giga Slash: Symond will deal damage and knock back all party members. Watch your position so that you aren't knocked into the Crystalline Shower puddle.

Symon the Unsinkable will repeat these attacks until he is defeated. Be sure to avoid each of Symond's attacks to reduce the amount of Corrupted Crystal stacks you gain, as the explosion can deal high damage.


The second boss of Pharos Sirius is Zu. When the fight begins, Zu will summon several Zu Eggs around the edges of the arena. Eventually, some of these eggs will begin to hatch, summoning different baby Zu adds to the fight. If you destroy any of the eggs, or kill any of the adds, the Zu boss will gain a stacking damage buff called Brood Rage.

  • Breath Wing: Zu will deal damage to all party members. The Healer should be prepared to restore the party's health after this attack.
  • Sonic Boom: Zu will deal damage and inflict the Windburn debuff, which deals damage over time.
  • Zu Pullets: These adds will be summoned from the Zu Eggs and will cast Breath Wing. Focus on killing the adds, but be prepared for the boss to gain a stacking damage buff.
  • Zu Cockerel: These adds will tether to a random player and repeatedly vast Caustic Vomit, dealing damage. Zu Cockerels should be focused on before any other enemy, as their attack can deal high single-target damage.
  • Sonic Storm: Throughout the fight, Zu will fly into the air, becoming invulnerable. Then, it will cast Sonic Storm consecutively, dealing damage in a large circular AoE. Move out of the AoE indicators to avoid this barrage of attacks.
  • Flying Frenzy: Zu will quickly body slam an area, dealing high damage, stunning, and inflicting Vulnerability Up. Zu will only use this attack at higher stacks of Brood Rage, making it deal increased damage the higher the boss's stacks of Brood Rage.

Zu will slowly lose stacks of Brood Rage over time, so make sure to not kill baby Zu back to back. At high stacks of Brood Rage, Flying Frenzy can instantly kill you, so you'll want to try to keep the stacks of this buff low.


The third boss of Pharos Sirius is Tyrant. This mini-boss will use the following attacks and mechanics.

  • Aero Blast: The Tyrant will deal damage to all party members and inflict the Windburn debuff, dealing damage over time. Recover with AoE heals and apply regen effects like Medica II.
  • Zombie Sailor: Throughout the fight, the Tyrant will summon several Zombie Sailor adds at once. These enemies will cast Wallop, dealing damage to a single target. Focus on them first before returning to the boss.
  • Bombination: The Tyrant will attack in a large point-blank AoE circle around itself, dealing damage and inflicting Slow. Move out of the AoE indicator to avoid taking damage.

The Tyrant will repeat these attacks until it is defeated. This boss has lower health than the other bosses in this dungeon, so you may be able to quickly burst it down while ignoring the Zombie Sailor adds if your damage is high enough.


The final boss of Pharos Sirius is Siren. This boss will use several music-based attacks to inflict various debuffs and debilitating effects. Listed below are each of the Siren's attacks and mechanics.

  • Deathly Verse: The Siren will damage a random player and inflict the Siren Song debuff. This debuff will charm the player if they are not healed to maximum health before the effect of the debuff ends. The Healer should be ready to restore the health of the targeted player to remove the debuff.
  • Song of Torment: The Siren will target the Tank, dealing damage and inflicting the Bleed debuff, dealing additional damage over time. This debuff can be removed with Esuna.
  • Zombie Storm Private: These enemies will be summoned periodically. Similar to the fight with Tyrant, the Zombie Storm Privates will cast Wallop, dealing damage in a short line AoE to their front. The Tank should group up these adds while the DPS players kill them.
  • Zombie Storm Sergeant: These enemies will slowly crawl towards a random player, rooting them in place if they reach the player. Kill them before they latch on.
  • Deathly Cadenza: The Siren will fly to the center of the arena, then deal damage and inflict Siren Song in an AoE that covers the entire arena, except for a small safe circle in the center. Avoid this attack by quickly moving to the center of the arena when the Siren flies away.
  • Feral Lunge: Similar to Deathly Cadenza, the Siren will fly away and become untargetable. This time, however, she will reappear at one of the edges of the arena. Then, she will charge across the arena, dealing high damage in a line AoE. Move away from the center of the arena to avoid taking damage.
  • Lunatic Voice: The Siren will inflict Reduced Immunity on all players, reducing the effectiveness of healing on them. This debuff can be cleansed with Esuna.

The Siren will repeat these attacks until she is defeated. When the boss flies away, move to the center of the arena, then determine whether she will use Deathly Cadenza or Feral Lunge. Additionally, kill the adds when they appear, and the Healer should stay on top of healing each party remember to remove the Siren Song debuff.

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