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Some of the most engaging gameplay of an open-world role-playing series is the time spent interacting with its beautifully crafted world. Like many in this genre, the Monster Hunter series is known for its boundless side quests that involve you going out into its varied terrain and searching for materials. While some may find this to be tedious, it does provide you the opportunity to be transported into a fantastical world that feels completely and believably lived in.

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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, the entry's latest expansion, gracefully builds upon this foundation with its newest side quest additions. The “Sprout Search Side Quest” is one of these missions, and it tasks you with finding a high-end sprout. Completing the quest will provide two rewards that will help you climb up Sunbreak’s Master Ranks.

Sprout Search Side Quest

Unlocking the “Sprout Search Side Quest” is probably one of the easiest things you’ll do once you begin playing through the Sunbreak expansion. All you need to do is reach Master Rank 2 (which can be done quickly by simply going through the expansion) and/or clear the “Blood Orange Bishaten Urgent Quest”. Once those requirements have been met, speak to Oboro the Merchant, and he’ll provide you with the titular quest. You’ll now be tasked with delivering him the Exquisite Sprout item.

To find this item, head to the Master Rank version of the Shrine Ruins map. Once landed, you can gather the sprout from Shoot Patch gathering nodes across the area. If you open your map, you can identify them by the yellow question-mark material icon scattered in the different map zones. You can also find a Shoot Patch near the main Shrine Ruins camp. Just go up the cliff near the tent and look to your left, the gathering node will be ready for your gathering.

Once you’ve collected as much Exquisite Sprout as your heart desires, you can head back to Orboro and give him the one Exquisite Sprout to earn your rewards.

Sprout Search Side Quest - Rewards

There are two rewards for completing the Sprout Search Side Quest. One reward is Heavy Armor Spheres, which will help upgrade your gear for the high end-game content the Sunbreak expansion provides. The other reward is unlocking the MightyCornpopper+ upgrade. It will be accessible under the Gun Lance’s smithy tree and is a perfect weapon for the introductory stages of taking down Master Rank baddies.

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