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Salt, glorious salt. You're going to need a bunch of Salt to cook some of the best food in New World, and it isn't exactly easy to come by.

RELATED: New World: Engineering Leveling Guide

For example, you'll need salt to cook Bacon-Wrapped Scallops (yum), Carbonara, and Cheesy Broccoli Soup. Yes. These are all dishes you can cook in New World, and they all require Salt.

Updated December 31, 2021: Still struggling to find salt easily in New World? We've updated this article to include a video guide to further illustrate the best places to find sodium chloride (salt).

Where To Find Salt In New World

Salt is only found in Provision Crates. These are the chest you'll find across the map, but if you're looking for primarily salt, you'll need to visit Everfall or Brightwood.

Salt Locations In Everfall

There are a bunch of Provision Crates dotted around Everfall.

  • There are lots of crates up at Ebonrock. Some slightly higher level mobs here, though.
  • There are four crates located at the Riverworn Grotto.

We've marked those two areas on the map above.

RELATED: New World: Complete Crafting Guide

Salt Locations In Brightwood

The best place to look for Provision Crates in Brightwood is to do a loop from Brightwood Isle down to Twineborough at the south of the region (the bottom square on the map.)

This is a higher level area, though, so you'll need to be at least 30 before you can venture up there safely.

Some things to remember:

  • Anyone can loot chests. You don't need to compete with anyone else.
  • Opening up an interactive map, like the map we used above (newworld-map.com) makes searching for chests in areas you don't know much easier.
  • Chests respawn/refresh every 60 minutes in New World. That's quite a long time, so plan out your route by picking some other quests to make the journey worthwhile.
  • Even with the Salt and required ingredients, you might need an upgraded Kitchen to be able to put together some of these dishes.

You can check out some of our other resource location guides below:

NEXT: New World: Complete Guide And Walkthrough