It goes without saying that implants are a big part of Cyberpunk 2077, although the game lets you suit up with as many implants as you like with very little consequence. This is despite the game's world having a mental illness called cyberpsychosis, something which can develop should someone susceptible to it load up with too many augmentations. The reason why V never develops the illness was explained away by developer Mike Pondsmith, who says Johnny Silverhand's presence in his head protects him from it.

However, if you've ever felt the need to try and play through Cyberpunk 2077 with the danger of developing cyberpsychosis, then somebody has a mod just for you. Created by DJ_Kovrik, players can download this mod to add a Humanity stat to the player character which lowers depending on which implants they install and how many people they kill.

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This mod will also implement Humanity thresholds that will effect your game in different ways should you fall into them. For example, the first threshold is called "Glitches" and adds visual glitches as well as a critical hit damage debuff. There's also "Pre-Psychosis" which causes even more visual glitches and has the chance to trigger the "Cyberpsychosis" threshold. In this state, you'll receive a bunch of visual glitches but will get buffs to your movement speed and health regeneration.

There is a way to manage the negative effects of these thresholds though, as the mod also adds a new inhaler called "Neuroblockers" which you can buy from Rippers or craft via a new recipe you can get. If you want to add a bit more strategy and danger to your next playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077, you can download the mod here.

In other Cyberpunk-related news, CD Projekt Red recently revealed a bunch of projects it plans to release in the coming years, sparking fears over potential crunch at the company. Despite the large amount of projects, employees have praised CD Projekt Red for its attempts to improve working conditions, claiming that it's "never been a better time" to be an employee.

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