There's no question about it; Fischl is incredibly attractive. It's hard to resist her, she's got amazing stats, and she makes for one of the most powerful Electro or Bow-users in the game, and if you don't want her in your Genshin Impact party, well, I don't know what's wrong with you.

Fischl, the second you manage to summon her, is impressive and powerful, and she only becomes even more powerful as you level her up and equip her with the best possible equipment - which we will help you with right now. In this guide, you'll find everything you need to equip Fischl with the very best weapon and artifacts possible - in addition to mixing up how you play.

Once you've got Fischl fully kitted out with the info below, make sure to check out our other Genshin Impact character builds.

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Best Weapon for Fischl in Genshin Impact

Fischl works incredibly well with her array of Electro abilities, and she uses bows, so she can keep back from the action most of the time. My four-star recommendation is the Favonius Warbow, a capable weapon that generates elemental orbs, making it easier for Fischl to build and unleash her Burst attack. This is great, as Fischl's Burst summon Oz the Electro raven, and allows her to move as him for a limited amount of time, after which he joins the battle. A great combo.

But if you want the very best damage possible, then Fischl is best off paired with raw power, and Amos' Bow is the weapon for that. Amos' Bow isn't particularly fancy in any way, but it increases ranged damage and has excellent stats, and as long as you're keeping Fischl away from the fray, this bow will serve up some excellent damage.

Best Artifacts for Fischl in Genshin Impact

Since Fischl is best off used as a ranged DPS character you shouldn't be throwing her head-first into battle, and you shouldn't equip her with artifacts that aren't going to work with her dodge-and-weave playstyle either. The artifact set you need to make Fischl work for you is the Wanderer's Troupe set, which is comprised of the following items.

  • Troupe's Dawnlight
  • Bard's Arrow Feather
  • Concert's Final Hour
  • Wanderer's String-Kettle
  • Conductor's Top Hat

Just two pieces of this set will give Fischl an extra 80 elemental mastery, which is decent, but you really want at least four pieces. If you get lucky and manage to equip four pieces to Fischl, you'll get an extra 35% charged attack damage, which combines with Fischl's abilities to deal extra Electro damage to enemies.

Fischl's Playstyle in Genshin Impact

Much like Mona, Fischl is all about stay away from the fray, but dealing huge amounts of damage. Her Burst attack where she takes control of Oz exemplifies that - it's to boost her movement speed to escape, and once concluded Oz defends her from enemies. It's about keeping her back, but still letting her deal as much damage as possible. This is why the bow is essential, of course.

Fischl is all about summoning Oz and letting him take a majority of the aggro, so you can use Fischl to pinpoint and take down the tougher members of the crowd.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: 10 Gachapon Memes That Will Have You Crying Or Laughing